Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tactics boils down to just a few things, General Bedford Forrest makes mention of one of the most important.

Something to remember about tactics from a great American general of the Confederacy in the First American War of Disunion. "Git there Fustest with the Mostest" General Bedford Forrest.
General Forrest was one of the most capable Generals in the entire war.  Self taught he commanded in the Western theatre against Union armies that consistently outnumbered his ill supplied forces, and just as consistently beat them.   One reason is the speed General Forrest would mass his forces, strike at a portion of the Union force hunting his forces, shatter there will to resist and move on. 
The essence of combat tactics is what General Forrest mentioned here, use speed to mass overwhelming force against a portion of the enemy force and destroy them peicemeal.  


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