Monday, January 16, 2012

Book Review: How to grow mint guide

The use of the mint plant dates back millenia, all the way back to the Ancient Greeks. Long believed to be a punished naiad of the river Cocytus of the Underworld named Menthe, the sweet plant has been associated with both honoring death and also with cures.

Now though mint is most commonly associated with toothpaste and candy canes. But the truth is that it is so much more, ranging from teas t...o stomach soothers. Mint is a great way to ease both a sore throat and stuffed nose too. The oil can be a great way to start or end the day by slipping a few drops into your coffee or other teas.

And don't forget the deserts. Mint is great for garnishes, just a scattering of leaves, or for the desert itself, such as mint cupcakes and brownies. Use as much as you like, since mint is safe for most people. Personally, I love as much mint as I can get, especially around Christmas time!

If you're curious for more about growing mint and even for just a few recipies, take a look at this new book on Kindle~

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