Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Severe Carrington Effect from a Solar Flare or a EMP attack causing the power grid to collapse will be worse then martial law.

If we have a grid down Carrington Effect or severe EMP attack, Martial Law will be the least the very least of our troubles. Imagine, no vehicle after 1984 or diesel 1994 working. Imagine ALL the Solid state electronics gone, all the technological tools broken and imagine the cities without power, the Police without transportation or communications. Imagine the aftereffect of NO delivery of foods or supplies or fuel getting into a blocked out city or town, Imagine it to be YOUR town.

Now imagine the military, scattered across the country on their bases, their communication is also vulnerable, as are their aircraft and their transportation. Don't worry about martial law. It will be the TOTAL collapse of government of Law and the Rule of Law we have to worry about, At that point our civilization as it exists now has totally collapsed.

At this point, if government is collapsing around you, if the remnants are trying to apply "Martial Law" to just keep some semblance of order, are you more worried about "Martial Law" or the fact that there will sonn be NO LAW at all, as well as NO food or fuel, you do not make?
the whole idea behind my "Haven" concept, a number of us Survival groups, Prepper's and self sufficiency interested folks buying homes/retreats in a area and working with each other to guard one another and the area and make it both more secure and more self sufficient.

In a EMP attack or Carrington effect Solar flare event severe enough to knock down the power grid,
basic necessities that Americans take for granted, such as widely available food and clean water, become vanish and millions will die from starvation, disease or widespread violence.   With the elimination of most modern telecommunications  Government at all but the most local level will collapse almost instantly, and the country or in a Carrington event the world devolves into a collection of mutually hostile self-styled militias, private armies and warring tribes.

This sounds fantastic. However, as national security expert F. Michael Maloof points out in his upcoming book, “A Nation Forsaken,” this may actually downplay the threat.

An EMP is caused by an explosion of charged particles, such as the detonation of a nuclear weapon in high altitude. The resulting wave wipes out electronics throughout the affected area.

Because of American society’s reliance on computers and electronic equipment, this would mean that financial, medical, security and logistical systems would fail simultaneously. The result could be a wholesale breakdown of civil society.

An EMP is caused by an explosion of charged particles, such as the detonation of a nuclear weapon in high altitude. The resulting wave wipes out electronics throughout the affected area.

Because of American society’s reliance on computers and electronic equipment, this would mean that financial, medical, security and logistical systems would fail simultaneously. The result could be a wholesale breakdown of civil society  The New Dark Age or the survivalists TEOTWAWKI.

This is in my opinion one of the worst threats we face and is far worse then the possibility of a merely tyrranical would be dictator as in the anarchy, violence and turmoil of a New Dark Age most of humanity will cease to exist as their life support infrastructure simply vanishes.  

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